With the remake arrange, Tobby tried to sing “Torinoko City”


Yeah, I had a considerable amount of impulse in me when I decided to produce this. Perhaps there’s some good in making music uploads more regular, but there are some other stuff that I want to work on, like some stories of mine. Of course, school, chores, and other responsibilities are there as well. Better keep it balanced, yo.

Anyway, working on this song cover involved me trying to sate my curiosity about how to sing the above song better than my previous uploaded attempt. As most of those recent curiosity moments have resulted, I ended up singing the song better with the instrumental in a different key (one semitone higher than the original key, in this case). As for mixing, I’d like to mention my observation regarding how my voice sounds clearer to my ears when I cut down on the 500-600 Hz frequencies. That’s just one step and not all the steps, though. I had struggles with maintaining a balance between the volume of the instrumental track and the volume of the vocal tracks, and I wonder about whether or not I put a little too much bass boosting into the main vocal track. My attempts at mastering the cover mixdown, with said mastering attempts often involving the use of a hard limiter, probably dealt with that issue somewhat, though.

Also, considering how my nose was feeling somewhat runny during the production days of this cover, I think I’ll be lessening my singing time and increasing my sleep time in the near future. Being lazy is bad, yeah, but being too busy is also bad, yo.

And now, here’s this cover’s mp3. And of course, honest constructive feedback is highly encouraged and will be highly appreciated, yo~

Feel free to say something!