Tobby tried to sing “Yuudachi no Ribbon”

Brought to you by instinctive picking and working, trial-and-error performance and engineering, and long-ass uploading and marketing. And lately, the third one takes the most effort, it seems. I guess I understand better how my fave singers and musicians take so long with their uploading and all that again, then. Welp-dee-doo.

Anyway, I guess this is a somewhat appropriate upload, considering the rain here lately. Why I picked this song to cover last month, well, it came from wanting to record some singing during my free time in my family’s house, and I guess I was feeling like going dramatic, so yeah. Perhaps a renewed interest in Mikito-P through having bunch of his works in my Spotify playlist also had major involvement there, too.

Oh, and going more into making vocal recording cut-ups in the making of this cover was a fun experience, yo~

English subtitles? Well, I haven’t been feeling like putting those up lately, unless the official vid has English subtitles. That, and I feel like challenging you all to learn the language yourselves, though I still understand if you’d rather look for a conveniently present translation. But hey, things get lost in translation, so…yeah.

Now, here’s the mp3 of this song cover.

And hey, honest constructive feedback is highly encouraged and will be highly appreciated! \(^o^ )