Milestones, Turning Points, and Activity Updates – September 2018

This month has been a month of big and sharp ups and downs for me. Thank God Almighty very much for helping me get through it with strength and worthwhile times, then, especially with other people out there.

Still, I got a long way to go, and it’s quite a pain, but at least I can progress. More thesis research and other class assignments need to be done, but all the hard work along with all the moral support got me thinking of a likely interesting and more detailed ideas for not only my thesis but also my other pieces of homework. I also practiced rapping so hard that I got myself a sore throat and a runny nose, but I also found myself improving with it through doing IRL stuff as well, especially school stuff. And I angst in public silence with my complicated dislike for the classroom discussions I’ve been having lots lately, but at least I can still manage to reach out to my loved ones, people who’d stay with me and help me improve even as I have thoughts that piss them off or, at least, make them very worried and disturbed. Oh, and my egotistic ambitiousness be making me mix up being just and being petty, among a lot of other bad mixtures, but at least the knowledge of the good I’ll be losing and missing hits me harder later on…though that doesn’t sound as awesome as I try to make it out to be, now that I think about it again.

So yeah, apologies and thanks to y’all. You know who you are…Well, I don’t even know if you bother reading this stuff, but still. Sorry and thanks very much again. And I’m sending that to God Almighty as well, ’cause He’s always here for me and everyone else, bugging us about living truly better lives despite Him getting ignored a lot.

Now, here are my past posts from this month:

Also, I’d like to send shout-outs to Roa and Pharaoh Beatz. I worked for Roa as a translator + narrator for his short 3DCG film titled “ANIMA,” while I went tsundere over Pharaoh Beatz and his beats after he promoted himself in the comments to my FRPC No. 7 (like, I really really regret deleting his comment over there, too, so do give at least a listen or two to his fire).

As for hints about my future posts, well, Crawling to the Dawn is going nuttier with the action and drama so far, my next FRPC has me pushing my limits even more, and I still haven’t started on a video for any of my finished and video-production-queued music tracks…and I even have a building pile of spontaneously started yet still unfinished music projects, still. Original short stories? Well, the closest I have to that are my schoolworks, but that’ll take a long while before I really release them online, (especially the thesis creative output, if it’s even possible for me to publish outside the academic archives). And I haven’t even factored my gaming and my browsing there yet!

So yeah, God Almighty keep on helping us all, and I’d like to ask for honest constructive feedback yet again. Insert weird sound signifying nutty exit here. Perhaps a “Zoom!” trailing off with a “zzzzzzz…” instead of an “mmmmm!” after the “ooh” hits a high note can work…?

Penman No. 320: On Academic Freedom

Well, this is quite a refreshing read, alright. Makes me feel less like I’m being forced into silence whenever I’m in class, yo~

Pinoy Penman 3.0

Avatars.pngPenman for Monday, September 24, 2018

Let me dwell this week on the idea of academic freedom, which has been in focus again recently in the light of controversies involving conflicting ideologies on campus. It’s important because universities are the natural home of ideas, and therefore for clashes of ideas, which then take various forms of political and cultural expression.

Modern (and especially secular) universities stand on the bedrock of academic freedom, which at its simplest means one’s freedom to choose what to study and what to teach, and giving value to knowledge—not power, not money, not superstition—as our best guide to the way forward. That knowledge can be gained through research and reason, through experimentation, debate, and creative intuition. Hopefully that knowledge will yield better options for a thinking citizen.

That’s the basic concept, and while it sounds like something no one should quarrel with, the fact is that…

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Crawling to the Dawn – Chapter 4

Crawling to the Dawn

a Fate series fanfiction written by The Overlord Bear

Summary: Shirou Emiya ends up summoning a certain treacherous Knight of the Round Table as his Servant for the Fifth Holy Grail War, and said Servant is a somewhat sane Berserker to boot…a Berserker who then ends up wanting to smack some sense into him and a bunch of other people.


Previous Chapter: Broken Pride

First Chapter: E-Rank Luck

Chapter 4: And There Was Much Rejoicing?

Continue reading “Crawling to the Dawn – Chapter 4”