Milestones, Turning Points, and Activity Updates – January 2024

Day job’s been lighter lately, though I felt like I had another level up when I got the assignment I got on Friday. On my off time, most of my time’s spent on live posting about VTuber streams, especially holo ones, and on playing video games off-stream, especially the Nintendo Switch version of the JRPG classic Dragon Quest III. And speaking of DQ3, I especially like how it hits the feels, and if what I’ve read about the the NieR protagonist being nameable is correct, I think I now have a good idea about how Mr. Yoko may have drawn influence from Dragon Quest, especially III, beyond making the NieR protagonist nameable. And speaking of feels alongside VTubers, a Mr. Jurard T Rexford got me going to the cinema for Rewind the day after I went to the cinema for Mallari, and it was freaking worth it, to say the least.

And while I haven’t really gotten much motivation to continue it lately, I somehow managed to come up with three additions to the Vaguely Roleplaying Overlord’s Diary early in the month. And later in the month, I managed to not only continue streaming with Valkyria Chronicles but also finish my stream series of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2. Also, late in the month, I posted a poem about a soldier at Christ’s feet. And a Sunday Mass got me coming up with another poem. And then there’s how I managed to record cover vocals and get them engineered to produce next month’s music upload.

So yeah, I guess next month will have at least two blog posts before the next digest post. I may also have to do some proverbial belt tightening, especially with how much I’ve been spending on donations to and merch from VTubers and my fellow fans of them and how I want to better make use of the inspiration they give me as a creator. And of course, there are the expenses for my more fundamental needs. All that makes me feel like I’m gonna be less frequent about music uploads too, but still, I’m excited to at least try going for bigger ventures. God Almighty keep on helping this fool appreciate the little things that make the big things, then, especially the ones He means for him.

Upon His Nailed Feet

Upon His Nailed Feet

a poem by The Overlord Bear/Jem De Ocampo

I roll a die
For cloth too small
While some conquered man dies
With toenails in coats
Of red and brown like rust
On some iron that’s too much
Through feet my fellow fiends asked
That I lick for their fun
But I called that a pointless act
Yet I let my tears be squeezed
Washing my eyes for the sight
Of a king who is hard to see
Looking at me like I have life
That I can share with my fellow fiends
Making me feel the death we are in
Calling me to salute to this higher and highest king
Reminding me about the soldier I always wanted to be
Who was never really just for me.