Milestones, Turning Points, and Activity Updates – May 2024

From this month’s struggles I had with getting enough sleep, among other necessary comforts I often struggle to differentiate from unnecessary ones, and the latest sudden and chunky need to give my family financial aid, I also found myself a bit more eager to seek out sidelines. So far, I went for a few voice acting auditions, which I don’t really expect much from especially because of how popular the folks I’m applying for are, but hey, I’m more about passion than money, and I have enough liking for the folks I sent auditions to, so I still went for them.

But hey, speaking of passion and money, as glad as I am about things like managing to buy my streaming ticket for Movin’ On!, I’ve been feeling the limits of my impulses again, and even if I work best on impulse, I’ll still have limits to deal with. Some subscription payments were ended because I don’t really use their benefits much, all while more worthwhile ones are taking their places. Some plans to buy some nerdy stuff I like got postponed because I want to cherish my bonds with my loved ones. And some project budgets had to be cut because I’ve been finding myself with shaky aim about them. Those things and more are pretty hard to admit even to myself, honestly, and so I’d like to send big thanks again to God Almighty working through the challenges of life for pushing me to discipline myself. And I suppose it would be better thanks to Him if I put more wisdom and confidence in my ability to do that.

And I guess I have been making some more progress there, if how I managed to post three blog posts before this month’s digest post here is any indication. And those three posts are:

  1. a reflection piece inspired by the Lord calling Himself the Good Shepherd
  2. a shipping fanfic starring a mafia boss jackal man and a goddess of time; and
  3. an English-translyricized song cover of another HOLOSTARS song.

And I got another Number 3 coming up next month, which is practically HOLOSTARS Month, something that I feel even more especially with how the second wave of its English branch’s members are going to debut their 3D models. Also, I think I’d like to get a fanfic posted on this blog next month, though it’s not really another holo fanfic. A reflection piece or, at least, an essay? I got a Tobby’s Recommendation Yell draft I worked some more on this month, but I’m yet to consider myself done with going through the material I wanna recommend there.

And I suppose that’s all I’m content to wring out of my brain for this post. May I have pickiness properly balancing my impulsiveness. And of course, honest constructive feedback is highly encouraged and will be highly appreciated.

Feel free to say something!